
projekt2Extra curricular activities:
The school has several after school clubs:

  • school magazine
  • school band
  • School TV
  • Volleyball club
  • Art club
  • Music club
  • Social club to help South Africa

projekt1We have also exchange programmes between our Sixth Form College and schools in

  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Israel

comenius10Comenius Project
Furthermore, our Sixth Form College takes part in the Comenius Project financially supported by the European Union. As part of the subject Global Studies students and teachers meet up with other European countries two to three times a year and work together on a project. Therefore, our students do not only meet in person but also online exchanging their culture, habits and traditions. 

Since 2015 our students in the day-release courses have the possibility to take part in an Erasmus+ Project with the ADC College in London.